two posts in a day... up nampak...huhu.. just wanted to share that i just had one of the greatest time with my two closest friends from intec... see the thing is we are all terpisah2.. sorg kat sana sorg kat sini sorg kat nuuuuun jauh di sana...
but when zara came to visit, the both of us had a blasted skype session with iz... banyak giler lah citer2 baru yang dikorek n citer2 lama yang asek buat kitorg terguling2...
yangni iz... mulut yang boleh go a thousand miles per second, miss diva i-can-get-anything-i-want, fashionista, kind, lovely and beautiful...
yang ni zara... makcik kalau cakap kuat nak mampus, suka nangis2, sports crazed, honest, soft and with a great heart...
#1000 Broccoflower
2 days ago
omg.for this post kene like sejuta kali ok!!!!
kaiu lebih2 put up real life on me miss what uwant u get konon hehe
nnt kite jumpe..waaa mesti and by the time jumpe sape xde bf x bleh ikut ;p
'sape xde bf x bleh ikut?????? apa makna tersirat ni?????
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